Prepare a Procurement Project (RFQ)
Once the Sourcing Lead creates the initial procurement project in P2i, they can then continue with the process of preparing the procurement project. This includes finalising any project members and setting up folders in the records management system. The project's P2i Senior User or P2i Regional Manager prepares the procurement project.
To prepare a procurement project:
Click Start Task next to the Prepare Procurement Project (RFQ) task.
Click Confirm.
Note It is not required to change the Actual Start Date or Actual End Date. These are updated automatically when a task is started or completed.
Click Confirm.
Note This is out-of-the-box functionality allowing auditors to note changes to task statuses throughout the procurement project. Comments may be entered but are not required.
Complete the requirements listed under Task Instructions.
Tip Refer to Creating a New RFQ Procurement Project for instructions on adding Project Team members.
Click Back to List.
Click Communication and select Message Board.
Note Use the Message Board to exchange information with current and future Project Team Members about your procurement project, RFx and Contract.
Click Create Discussion.
Enter a Discussion Title, Message and select who to Send Alert to.
Tip If you are alerting Specific Team Members, click Add Recipients.
Click Create Discussion and Post First Message.
Click Create Message to add additional message posts for the discussion.
Tip Click Edit Discussion to change the discussion title.
Click Back to List to return to the Message Board.
Click Process and then select Workflow.
Click the Prepare Procurement Project (RFQ) task.
Click Complete Task.
Click Confirm.
Add any comments relevant to completing this task.
Attach any files relevant to completing this task.
Click Confirm.
The Prepare Procurement Project (RFQ) task will now display as completed.
Note Continue to the next topic, Preparing the RFQ.